
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Inspirations for Thu., Nov. 12, 2009

Inspirations for Thu., Nov. 12, 2009


Depending upon when you see this message, Veterans Day may be past, but a few people have asked us to re-publish the video of the meeting of the Folding of The American Flag. You can see it by scrolling down to the article.


Our Inspirations for October 5 says it best and is re-published below:

"A veteran, whether active duty, reserve, retired or discharged, is someone who, at some point or another in their lives, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including life." - Author Unknown


Thanks to Kimberly Grubbs for sharing the following message:

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called FAILURE, a loop called CONFUSION, speed bumps called FRIENDS, red lights called ENEMIES, and caution lights called FAMILY. You will have flats called JOBS, But if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, and an engine called PERSEVERANCE, insurance called FAITH, a driver called JESUS, you will make it to a place called SUCCESS! Peace and Blessings

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